Even When You Don’t Have Cash, You Do.
Keeping Track of Spending and Keeping Spending on Track.
When you use an AmpolCash card, the remaining balance and card expiry date are displayed on your receipt. So you can keep track of what you’ve spent and what you have left to spend. A great way to stay on budget.
Where Can I Purchase AmpolCash?
At our participating Ampol service stations. AmpolCash is available in denominations of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 and $500. For purchases over $500, please call 8349 5868.
AmpolCash Tips
- Keep your AmpolCash in a safe place. AmpolCash is the same as using cash so if it’s lost or stolen it can’t be replaced.
- Make a note of your card number. If you know this number, the card can be cancelled upon request.
- AmpolCash can only be redeemed at stores that have operating EFTPOS facilities and can only be used electronically.
- Make sure that when storing AmpolCash in your purse or wallet the magnetic strip does not come into contact with other credit cards as this may affect the electronic devices used in store to read the card.
- If your total purchase exceeds the stored value remaining on the card, the difference can be made up with cash only.